Friday, April 30, 2010

A real-world example illustrating sunk costs, cost-benefit analysis, decision-making, and game-playing

I am teaching an elective course, Applied Game Theory, this term. According to the course syllabus, there will be in-class final exam, no midterm exam, and class will be held as usual during the midterm exam week. [You see that I do observe and comply with the rules set forth by our school. Are you, my friend, Lady M, also a VP, reading this now?] There is only one task on syllabus for the meeting in midterm exam week, which is “individually check the progress of game-playing assignment.”

On April 26, 2007, the day before the scheduled meeting, an idea stoke me that perhaps I could run the progress-checking in a more cost-effective and more efficient way. So, I sent out an email via e-learning platform to all enrolled students. I stated clearly that nobody would be asked to show up before 4:00 pm. From 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm, about eight students (names given specifically) would go thru the process with me on an one-on-one basis. Another group will be treated from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm, followed by the third and the fourth group. I thought that everybody would be happy with this arrangement although it was announced just 24 hrs ahead of the time.

Now let me share with you my conversation with Mr. C. Lin on April 27.
At 3:57 pm, Mr. Lin came to my office with no expression on his face: "I have been waiting for you almost one hour."
I replied: "Got you! How many times do I have to remind you of the importance of checking emails sent thru e-learning?"
He calmly stared at me and slowly moved toward the elevator.
"Are you leaving? Hey, if you leave now, very likely I will hold you for being absent for two or three hours (in class meeting). Come on, it is not worthy! You will lose everything." I said.
"I have wasted one hour already. If I choose to stay, I will have to wait for another hour before you run the scheduled check on my case. In total, I will waste two hours and there is still a chance that you may keep me waiting longer. That is why I should be smart and take off." He replied.
"Wait a minute! Have you forgotten about sunk costs I taught in principles of economics? Do stay! I will not break my promise. Trust me"

What happened? At 4:01 pm, I saw Mr. Lin quietly sat in the classroom and waited for his turn. I will say that he was making a rational decision. Why?
Since he did not get that email notification, he paid the price by wasting one hour (from 3:10 pm to 4 pm). But that is the so-called sunk cost, which should be irrelevant in the following argument.
If he chooses to leave at 4 pm (after speaking to me), he will not get the benefit and the cost to him will be two or three hours counted as class absence.
If he chooses to stay, he will get the benefit and the cost to him will be one hour as the foregone waiting time.
Hence, the cost-benefit analysis tells us that Mr. Lin, provided that he is rational, should stay. And he did! Good for him.

Of course, if I do not keep my promise and somehow handle his case around 6 pm, he will get the benefit but the cost to him will be two hours as the foregone time. Even for this worst scenario, it is still better than his leaving at 4 pm. Besides, if he takes my strategic action into consideration, we will have a two-person game. As I assured him of my commitment in keeping my words, neither of us should have thought about the game-playing.

Credits: 雖然C. Lin偶爾會有所謂的嗆聲動作,他時而能夠即時回答問題,也曾對經濟學小考問題,提出有水準的批判見解。比起一些老僧入定或是喬裝乖乖牌的同學,要強多了。文藻週的至少兩天下午,(我個人覺得有些奇怪的)經典閱讀活動曲終人散時,我由走廊經過,只見他一人在教室默默地還原課桌椅。他的動作,令我聯想起電影「天之驕子」裡,男老師於開學第一天,在空教室對齊書本與桌緣之一幕。就憑這些觀察,日後只要他開口要推薦函 (references),我一定樂意相助。

An Example of Incorporating youtube to Teaching

(to be used in teaching the course, Workshop on Information and Negotiation, on May 3, 2010)

dxmonline — 西元2009年07月20日 — 肯.羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson)以生動活潑的案例來談教育制度。他深切希望教育制度能培育而非扼殺學生的創意。

Notes added by jsw:

This is good for teaching public speaking, not really suitable for discussion on education (and policy-making). It is like the comedian show, popular in some western countries, not in Taiwan. [The show ‘David Allen at Large’ was on TV long time ago when I was in USA.]
有基本邏輯思考訓練的人,應該知道:我們把教育,視為一種機制 (mechanism),有足夠人數的所有可能的學生構成的集合,視為一種社會 (society or the set of all profiles)。如果我們檢驗後發現,針對社會裡每一類的 profile,實施教育這一種機制,對學生的創意,有抹殺打壓之影響,才能下結論:教育扼殺創意。


P.S. 用字遣詞,是藝術,是功夫,更是態度與教養問題。正因為這樣,我不會加入『墮落教師聯盟』的粉絲團。那裡有很好的討論平台,發言人也不易是狀況外的嘴砲快閃族,只是粉絲團的主打介紹詞,竟是

讓我們繼續 "有叫無累" 吧

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Being stupid is unacceptable (story continued)


A: 單位來了位新人。主管要求他們去調查,其他學校XX系的國考錄取率。我說可以用今年考生或學生家長的身份去刺探敵情。未料,她打電話大剌剌地說:我是X校XX系,因為要評鑑資料,所以想知道貴系的國考錄取率。笨笨笨笨笨!

B: WOW! I thought that she called her boyfriend or mom for help. 我見過這類助理。You might tell her: 順便問對方有沒有缺。

A: 昨天還真的問到一家,不過對方晃點她說會再寄資料給她。


A: 最近那位新人有好消息了!甲校XX系系主任跟她說,必須先E其他學校的國考率給他,甲校才會回覆。結果新人興沖沖地把所有收集到的情報寄給了甲校XX系系主任。未料,甲校XX系系主任發現乙校XX系系主任尚未回覆,就給了一個不錯的回答:『因為乙校XX系都沒填,所以我們也不填,等乙校XX系回覆了,我們就回覆。』今天,那位新人氣炸了!

B: 甲校XX系系主任真是好樣的,不費力就取得他校的國考率資料,他是孔明後裔嗎?也許應該請他到訊息與談判課程,來一場協同教學,分享他這類草船借箭的絕活。我腦海閃過一幕,新人以那位童顏巨乳明星的嗲聲嗲氣語調,加上田中千惠在海角七號的獨特日本腔國語:『好討厭喲!他們都欺負我!』


(borrowing some words from an old song, End of the World)
Don't they know
it is the end of the world
'cause stupid people are everywhere

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

由簡短留言與回應 看邏輯推理之趣味與應用


Miss A (who is a friend on internet whom I never met nor spoke to) posted on her blog: 我可以接受外貌不佳的人...但無法接受外貌不佳、學歷不高又內涵空空、談話LOW...的人..
Mr. B: 我也滾遠些
Miss A: Mr.B...你是外貌出色的人...什麼都沒有 也沒關係..

What exactly were on the mind of Miss A?
1. 她接受的人,也許有外貌不佳的人。
2. 如果外貌不佳的人,被她接受,他一定不能是
(i)學歷不高又內涵空空 且 (ii) 談話LOW...


OS: 如此看來,她的標準不算嚴苛。

3. 由她對 Mr. B的友善回應,解讀為:外貌出色的人,一定會被她接受。緣此,不被她接受的人,一定是外貌不出色(即不佳)的人。所以,只要我們知道:張三不被她接受,就可推論,張三的外貌不出色(即不佳)。
OS: 此話一出,應該沒有人會坦承(或希望)「自己不被她接受」。她可以落個耳根清靜。

Question for further interest:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Policy or Disclaimer

Sometimes I write stories (in the preliminary version) which might come from my dream land but sound so familiar and close to our lives. Digging out the truth won’t do us any good. If something is real, people tend to say that it is fictitious to protect innocents. If something is fictitious, people promote it by saying that the least expected will come to you anytime anyhow. Some readers might wish them to be true while some do not. I have hereby determined that publishing my preliminary thoughts here is acceptable for the following reasons:

1.I offer a disclaimer that the contents here are not intended to harm any reader in any way;
2.My posting offers the readership of this blog a chance to research into the involved issues at their own cost and risk, eventually fostering our understanding of the society;
3.The term “professionalism” calls for a profession -- i.e., a money-making activity. Nevertheless, this blog is a consuming asset rather than a producing asset -- i.e., I don't get a (bloody) dollar for doing this. So I can be as professional or unprofessional as I want.
(I borrow some words from a blog by Mr. Brian Gill.)

由還錢談起 (To repay or not to repay -- that is the question)

由還錢談起 – Yes ... my dear friend lost in contact, I am thinking about you... and, to be specific, the money I lent to you some years ago

Prof. Jerry Liu is proud to be a weekend vendor. I admire him and admit that I am too impulsive to do something like that. On the top of that, I surely will exercise the price discrimination toward customers. In light of that, I might do something on which I seem to have comparative advantage (to some extent). Here is what I have in mind. Twice in a week or so, I shall post some crazy (or naive) thoughts here as open questions or questions that demand serious follow-ups rather than cheap answers.
Here is the first one:
期盼友人還錢,真的比中統一發票還難。可是,很多學生卻能輕鬆地說:『老師教過的,早就還給老師啦!』(難怪老師不易瘦身?) 緣此,應該調漲學費。保留知識、不還給老師的人,日後可以部份退費。至於還給老師的人,既然豪氣萬丈,當然不必退費給他們。會計室是最大贏家。
forgot to add: 當政客貪污、醫生與教授舞弊新聞爆發時,民代、教育界、民意異口同聲,要求他們以前的學校(e.g., NTU among others),應該對倫理教育負責之時,怎麼沒想到,他們只是把學的東西,早就還給母校呢?To me, it is not much different from the situation at which quite a number of students taking my economics or professional writing courses already returned whatever they learned from me. No big deal.
敬天愛人;學多少、算多少、Never repay!

Friday, April 23, 2010



Students in ECON101, please respond


(請討論一下 "xxxxx")
(新題目) xxxxxx
(大家我改題目了!!!) xxxxxx
xxxxxx 請大家發表一下意見

然後一群好友來捧場,革命感情確實了不起(不會輸給電影色戒的那群流亡學生)。只是偶有搞笑來亂的、有文不對題的、有亂放電的、有斷章取義的 ... 我們老師的研究,不是這樣完成的。
也讓我想到:有時見到同學,在期末考試時,伏案小睡20~30分鐘,然後狂寫幾分鐘。原先以為同學蒙周公指點,功力大增。閱卷時,才發現只是重抄題目、抒發自己學習心得,最後祝福老師假期快樂、強調自己無法暑修、一定要準時畢業,才對得起父母與列代祖宗。如果 …如果我們的學生『拜託』老師給60分,老師『拜託』學生在期末評量客氣給分,這樣的學習環境,五年五千億的額外補助,也沒用!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A joke to make your day




Source: 網路文章;來源無法考證。美女友人 Jewel Lee 熱心分享。如有無聊狗仔小人,想要提告侵害智慧財產權,先去告Jewel Lee 看看。

1.基督徒是不相信輪迴轉世的。如果我不是基督徒,這種說法,也有些盲點 -- 爸爸上輩子的長相與態度,未必與現在一樣。此外,女兒上輩子,說不一定是宇宙無敵超級大恐龍妹耶!

又有天兵提供靈感 -- 見怪不怪、該怪不怪、要怪就怪別人

Student L:


Student H:

H 寫道:『全天下再也沒有人會侵犯上面露半球、背部露丁字褲的辣妹,而被視為色狼了。』

Student L:
To H: 若是穿著很性感的女生引起男生的生理反應,你可以解釋成為女生在誘導男生,目前為止都和我的邏輯相當,但是若男生做出不法的動作,就不一樣了。這就關系到法律的問題!!

Student H:
To L: 以邏輯思考,變相誘導學生就好比老師舉例的"變相誘導我這一類的好男孩",因為沒有充分的說明去實習的學習內容只是一味的宣揚實習會增加未來工作的實務經歷就像老師舉例的"被抓到的捷運襲胸色狼:上面露半球、背部露丁字褲的辣妹,也沒充分說明她不是穿來勾引我,只是一味的賣弄、刺激我的生理反應"

jsw to H (or should I direct it to L):
Were you drinking again while posting? Here is my advice often given for writing class: 逐字唸你寫的,錄音後成沉澱一天,然後聽錄音、不看螢幕,你會覺得這是外國人在說話。Time to stop and move on. In closing, let me make clear once and for all that I was just trying to point out the problem with logical reasoning in student L's comment. 總之,我發現有人中文閱讀與寫作,有大問題。

當學校提供實習機會,除了基本說明之外,基於誘因或行銷技巧,當然會為實習遠景美言好幾句。學校提供學生一個自我選擇的機會,結果選擇實習的學生,竟然大剌剌質疑學校在變相的誘導學生!所以我舉辣妹為例,假設辣妹有自信,穿出性感,當然希望她心儀的男孩會注意與接近她。如果你長相愛國、個性悶騷又愛意淫,(正所謂)不是她的菜,你去襲胸被逮,你的理由是辣妹在放電、變相的引誘大家,也沒有充分告知 (1)你不是她的菜 (2)乳溝與股溝僅供遠觀。這樣的色狼,豈不是白癡?

我當然不是在鼓勵色狼,或是幫色狼脫罪。我是採用類此推論 (A:B = C:D),告訴 Student L,她的思考模式,讓我想到那位既是色狼、又是白癡的虛擬人物。

英文、創意、理論、實務、性 -- 2010雜念

A student, to my surprise, scored 240 points in 大專英檢(CSEPT), could not understand 
"All I can and will say is: Watch out the high opportunity costs of dealing with trash."
Well, maybe he was just lying.


Robert Solow once joked about Milton Friedman by writing something like: “Milton always writes about money (貨幣). Well, sex is constantly on my mind but I keep it away from my writing.” Since I am not Solow, I shall write a little bit about sex. And it is my blog, meaning that I can say whatever I want.
在我是學生的年代,健康教育都是偷偷地、仔細地讀完,絕大多數同學在20歲以前,還沒性經驗,也不會吹噓或假裝純真。當今的大學生,就不一樣了。請問:『關於那檔事 … 在我是學生的年代,我們是重理論;在30年後的今天,學生是重實務。』這樣敘述,可以嗎?

上週,Alex 與我幾秒鐘腦力激盪,產生一小品: 『我不是不會扣籃,只是目前還在鑽研理論的部份。』

Back to late 1980s, when I was a graduate student at Purdue. It was quite common (and possibly still is now) to see that students often shied away from taking theory courses (kind of dry). Recall that a decrease in supply will make the price go up. When theorists were hard to find, some students would brag about their expertise in theory. Professor James C. Moore, who was a solid economist (specializing in math econ and trade theory) and my role model for years, once said: “Do not claim you are a theorist unless you really are.” I still remember the reaction on the faces of those senior graduate students. It was a cold winter morning and the room was central-heated. After his words, the room was cold as outdoors and one could almost hear one's heart beat. Bingo!

Prescribed Task vs. Realized Outcome

C同學問起點名之事,我決定先試著說明,該制度的設計者,當時可能的想法:『在設計點名制度時,請假不是常態, …』。

Unbelievable! 也許我們先不急於國際化,應該先提升同學的中文閱讀能力。
醫生接生嬰兒時,大家都會誇讚祝福嬰兒。嬰兒成長為有用的人,這是 prescribed task. 有些人不幸成為智障、敗類、人渣、人魔,這是 realized outcome. 有人分不清楚 prescribed task 與 realized outcome?? 讓我想到:吃了會拉,何不直接吃屎? 還有情歌裡的:早知會分手,當初就不該愛你。
Conclusion: The economy may not be bad as thought. 因為一堆人吃飯免錢
1.吃飯免錢 = 白吃 = 白癡 (因為寫錯字)
2.去年指導一組同學,寫畢業專題,題目是:論「釋放訊號」在大學校園的認知 -- 以文藻點名制度為例。同學告訴我,一位小主管明白指出,研究點名這類議題,與國際企業管理不相關,似乎把這份專題報告視為家醜。(The rest is history.) 不到半年時間,由UB3同學的電郵發問,顯示他真是多慮 -- 連同系學弟妹都完全不知這份專題報告!令人啼笑皆非。