Saturday, June 18, 2011

How gossip is conceived and what makes the world full of cheap talk

Student A: 請問今天有任何刁難的題目嗎? 有聽學妹說有人從五樓坐電梯下來在哭....
Professor B: 刁難? I doubt. 我家孔雀魚死了一隻,妳能質疑馬總統:為何台灣不能養孔雀魚嗎?
Student A: 聽不懂... !? 我理解能力有點差!
Professor B: I see. Let me post this mini series on FB. As time goes by, at least some readers will comprehend.



Student A: 我只是很直接,想知道有什麼樣刁難的題目,想多學習。Sorry.

Professor B: What I care about is the logical reasoning.
1. When C sees the post made by A, C might wonder who that 學妹 was and whether A was telling the truth (and whether that 學妹 was telling the truth, ...).
2. 「刁鑽」是否是哭泣的充分條件?還是必要條件?
3. 試想:『xx學校面試 考生淚灑電梯』如果成為某白目報紙標題,對認真的師生與優秀考生,傷害有多大!