Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall 2009 個體經濟學 Microeconomics Syllabus

Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages
Syllabus for the Fall Semester in 2009
課程名稱Course Title : 個體經濟學 Microeconomics
開課學制School System :
日間部 Day School 4-Year College
國際企業管理系Department of International Business Administration
授課教師Instructor:衛忠欣 (Jong-Shin Wei)
職稱Position Title:專任副教授Associate Professor
師生互動Instructor’s Contact Information:
1. 辦公室Office :Z0513
2. 辦公室電話Office Phone Number:07-3426031 ext.6222
                 Also 0912-604-341
3. 電子信箱

4. 約談時間Office Hours:12:10 pm ~ 2:50 pm, Tuesdays
3:10 pm ~ 4:50 pm, Thursdays
學分Credits:3 (學分)
選課別Category:【★】選修Elective Course
開課類別 Course Categories:【★】學期課 For Academic Semester
開課年級 Year Taught:2 (sophomore)
授課班級 Class Taught:UB2
科目概要Course Description:

Only principles of microeconomics is the required background. Our goal is to guide you to appreciate the rigor, predictive power of some issues in mainstream microeconomics as a science while a few case studies and experiments will also be conducted. The adoption of easy-to-comprehend materials written in plain English will soon be justified as long as students work seriously in a friendly environment made up of lecturing, encouragement, reading, peer pressure, and self-commitment. Topics covered include: consumer’s decision-making, producer’s decision-making, market structure, internal organization of the firm, introduction to economics of information, and thinking strategically with business applications. Calculus is not needed.

課程目標Course Objectives:

Introduce a small subset of materials often covered by teachers in our counterparts. The natural tradeoff is emphasizing deep thinking and open-minded yet stimulating atmosphere at which English serves as a tool, not the target per se. Help students utilize the scientific reasoning in understanding the root of economic policies and how our market system functions regarding consumption and competition. Make students get familiar with economic concepts (in English) required in the business sectors as well as tools needed for post-graduate work.

評量方式與評分比例分配Evaluation Criteria:
Part 1: Active participation (i.e., answering and questioning): 20%

Part 2: In-class midterm exam: 30% (解答皆上網;見網路學園)

Part 3: (Students must choose only one of the following by Nov.11.)
升學導向: In-class final comprehensive exam: 50% (解答皆上網;見網路學園)
就業導向: Individual written project report: 50% (due: before the final exam week;報告皆上網,符合資訊透明化)
In-class exams are open books/notes.

點名是本校引以自豪(且沒有辯論空間)的政策。既然有點名,要求依座位表入座,並不為過。若考前畫重點,更是自欺欺人、治學之恥。教師對評定『Active participation』的最起碼保證,為subjectively objective。

課堂要求Course Requirements & Policies:
As we are excited (and expected) to utilize modern technology, lectures will be given via PowerPoint. Those who blame PPT for feeling sleepy should seriously consider transferring to colleges that still heavily use chalk talk. No chatting; no use of cellular phone in any way. Do not circulate materials (even if they are from our college) among students when the class is in session. [Do negotiate with me beforehand as talking for 50 minutes with no stop isn’t good to my health. I can lend you a few minutes for legitimate purposes.] Spontaneous interaction (such as questioning and answering) is expected and rewarded. All questions should be brought to the instructor.


考試時可使用字典或翻譯機,記取瓜田李下的古訓,不得傳遞借用。為提供同學考前認真閱讀課本之誘因,翻譯機與字典,限考試開始30分鐘內使用。嚴禁考試時參考中譯本。試題以英文為主,授課時會適時加入中譯。影印課本觸法;用中譯本會後悔 -- 堅持用中文課本就不必來文藻;在大學續用高職課本或補習班講義是傻瓜。所有教材(含解答與考古題)完全公開(請善用網路學園)、既非照本宣科、獎勵聽眾預習。同學若全程錄音,既利於充實教學資源、防範斷章取義之卑劣作為,必有漂亮的平時成績。伏案小睡者,得視同缺席。如有業界專家前來協同教學,將適時微調若干授課進度。協同教學之內容,也會納入考試範圍。

本課程如有 teaching assistant (TA),另行公告。


教科書Textbooks:Schotter, A. (2009), Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, first edition. South-Western. (Most of you will find the textbook challenging and demanding.)
Those who have weak background in principles of microeconomics are strongly urged to consult my teaching materials in the principles of microeconomics (經濟學一) course.

Two good texts for that course are:
Frank, R. H. and B.S. Bernanke (2009), Principles of Economics, brief edition. McGraw-Hill.
Mankiw, N.G. (2007), Principles of Economics, third ed. Thomson.

近幾年相關課程之授課投影片與試題詳解,皆開放於e-learning (。
務必養成至少每週兩次登入e-learning之閱讀習慣。所有重要通知,皆由 e-learning 系統發信到同學的信箱(網域)。


貳、課程內容與進度(Course Content & Schedule)

2.授課方式Instructional Approaches
3.作業、報告考試或其他Assignments, Tests and Others
1. Self-introducing, syllabus, ethics, exchanging view points, reporting recent
teaching evaluations and performance, and classroom setup (徵求義工)
Economics and institutions
2. Sharing experience to motivate students; informal and hopefully delightful
3. No need to preview materials
4. Help identify who are not ready for taking this course

1. Economics and institutions Preferences 教師節慶祝大會(3:10~5:00 停課)
5:10 ~ 6:00 照常上課 – 欲退選者除外
2. Ch.1 and Ch.2
3. Seating chart implemented
4. 教師節慶祝大會 -- 可能引影響進度

1. Preferences Indifference curves
2. Ch.2 and Ch.3
3. Seating chart finalized

1. Indifference curves Demand behavior
2. Ch.3 and Ch.4
4. Selective coverage

1. Demand behavior Applications of consumer demand
2. Ch.4 and Ch.5
4. Selective coverage

1. 文藻週停課

1. Applications of consumer demand
2. Ch.5

1. Applications of consumer demand Uncertainty and insurance
2. Ch.5 and Ch.6

1. Midterm exam
2. 範圍:09/16 ~ 11/04
3. No make-up exam
4. In-class exam

1. Uncertainty and insurance Technology and cost
2. Ch.6 and Ch.8
4. Selective coverage

1. Uncertainty and insurance Cost and profit
2. Ch.6 and Ch.8
4. Selective coverage

1. Cost and profit
2. Ch.8 and Ch.9
4. Selective coverage

1. Game theory and strategic business analysis
2. Ch.11
4. Selective coverage

1. Game theory and strategic business analysis
2. Ch.11
4. Selective coverage

1. Internal organization of the firm
2. Ch.13

1. Internal organization of the firm Moral hazard and adverse selection
2. Ch.13 and Ch.23

1. Moral hazard and adverse selection
2. Ch.23
4. Selective coverage 繳交報告(適用於就業導向)

1. Final exam (適用於升學導向)
2. 範圍:整學期
3. No make-up exam
4. In-class exam

Any updating will be announced on e-learning and in class.
(last updated September 16, 2009 by jsw; file name: F2009micro_syll.doc.)