2007 Special Program for Certificate-Seeking
in the Promotion of International Business and Cultural Exchanges
期末筆試 (09152007)
Open books/notes 榮譽考試 (honor exam)
商務與經管工具入門 -- 期末統籌筆試與解答 (compiled by Jong-Shin Wei, the coordinator)
單一選擇題;每題 7 分;不倒扣
1. 下列哪一項不是透過「加盟」的方式進入國際市場的好處?
(A) 快速進入市場 (B) 減少資金需求 (C) 減少代理成本 (D) 方便人員訓練
Ans: D.
2. 中國大陸的合資夥伴,較在乎的是: (A) 合資公司的獲利 (B) 提供更多的就業機會 (C) 市場佔有率的提升 (D) 生產效率的提高
Ans: B.
3. 商務糾紛解決之方法有 (A) 協議 (B) 仲裁 (C) 訴訟 (D) 以上皆是
Ans: D.
4. 商務仲裁之優點有 (A) 簡易迅速 (B) 自由選擇仲裁人 (C) 以上皆是 (D) 以上皆非
Ans: C.
5. 欲使一張灰階圖片,黑色更黑、白色更白,在Word圖片工具列中,我們應該點選那一個功能?(A) 提高亮度 (B) 降低亮度 (C) 提高對比 (D) 降低對比
Ans: C.
6. Word 工具列中, 的功能是: (A) 字元網底 (B) 字元比例 (C) 字元底線 (D) 字元框線。
Ans: D.
7. 我們剪輯完影片後,想把影片匯出為可在電腦播放的檔案,MovieMaker 軟體預設的匯出檔案類型為: (A) WMV (B) MPG (C) DAT (D) AVI
Ans: A.
8. 針對台灣未能因應人口老化及少子化之發展,提供適當之金融服務,政府提出的因應計畫為: (A) 銀行市場結構重整 (B) 發展固定收益商品市場 (C) 推動保障型及年金保險產品
(D) 增加優良企業上市
Ans: C.
9. 一種定型化的合約,交易雙方約定於未來某一特定時日,依事先約定的價格,買入或賣出某一特定數量的資產,指的是那種金融商品: (A) 遠期契約 (B) 期貨合約 (C) 交換合約 (D)選擇權合約
Ans: B.
10. 一種合約,買方有權利在未來某一特定期間內,以事先議定好的價格 -- 即履約價格 (Exercise Price) -- 向賣方買入或賣出某一特定數量的標的資產,指的是那種金融商品:(A)遠期契約 (B) 期貨合約 (C) 交換合約 (D) 選擇權合約
Ans: D.
11. 不論新聞寫作或報導,以下哪項最應該注意?也影響最大?
(A) 文筆要好 (B) 口才要好 (C) 內容的正確性 (D) 時效性
Ans: C.
12. 接受媒體採訪時,若是新聞性的採訪,為何要說重點,而不必長篇大論?因為一則新聞大約幾分鐘?
(A) 一分鐘 (B) 四分鐘 (C) 六分鐘 (D) 半分鐘
Ans: A.
13. 針對台灣欠缺大而好且具有國際競爭力之銀行,公股銀行市占率高,銀行家數過多,同質性過高,獲利能力偏低,政府提出的因應計畫為:
(A) 銀行市場結構重整
(B) 發展固定收益商品市場
(C) 推動保障型及年金保險產品
(D) 增加優良企業上市
Ans: A.
14. 在兩個影格之間,插入要變換時的效果稱之為:
(A) 視訊轉換 (B) 視訊軸 (C) 轉場效果 (D) 剪輯影片
Ans: C.
15. 下列何者不是透過「加盟」的方式在台灣擴展市場的企業?
(A) 麥當勞 (B) 7-ELEVEN (C) 統一星巴克 (Starbucks) (D) 肯德基
Ans: C.
文化商務英文入門 -- 期末統籌筆試與解答 (compiled by Jong-Shin Wei)
單一選擇題;每題 5 分;不倒扣
1. What are the topics that one can usually talk about in a party?
(A) employment history
(B) money
(C) boss' affairs
(D) religion
Ans: B.
2. What does "RSVP" stand for?
(A) Please Reply
(B) Only respond in emergency
(C) Talk to the supervisor
(D) None of the above is correct.
Ans: A.
3. The Chairperson at a meeting: “It has been moved that our club will purchase some new furniture for the clubhouse lounge. Is there a second?”
Participants: _________________________________
Choose the most appropriate response for the blank.
(A) The motion dies for a lack of a second.
(B) I will second.
(C) The ayes have it and the motion is adopted.
(D) All those in favor of the motion say “aye.” All those opposed say “no.”
Ans: B.
4. What is the option that can be used to move forward in a meeting?
(A) I suggest we go around the table first.
(B) I would like to take a break now.
(C) So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.
(D) None of the above is correct.
Ans: C.
5. You are a receptionist. Someone (Jack) is at the reception. What would you say to that person (Jack)?
You: Good morning.
Jack: Good morning.
You: (1)
Jack: I've come to see Mary Jones, in Human Resources.
You: (2)
Jack: Yes, she is. I have an appointment at ten. I'm a new employee.
(A) (1) Who's speaking? / (2) I'm Carol.
(B) (1) Can I have your name, please? / (2) How can I help you?
(C) (1) Hello. How are you? / (2) What's it in connection with?
(D) (1) How can I help you? / (2) Is Ms Jones expecting you?
Ans: D.
6. When you want to ask someone you meet the first time to sit down, which one of the following ways is more polite and appropriate?
(A) You may sit.
(B) Sit down, please.
(C) Would you like to take a seat?
(D) Why don't you sit down?
Ans: C.
7. In telephone conversations, what can you say when you want to speak to someone (e.g. David Brown)?
(A) Can you put me through to David Brown, please?
(B) Let me have David Brown.
(C) Hello, David Brown speaking.
(D) Where in the world is David Brown?
Ans: A.
8. In telephone conversations, what can you say when you want to offer help?
(A) Can I have your name, please?
(B) May I help you?
(C) What can I offer you?
(D) What do you want?
Ans: B.
9. Which of the following is the correct way to say (or spell out) the email address shown below?
(A) cute, underline, seven, seven, at, super, hyphen, net, dot, com
(B) cute, underscore, double seven, at, super, slash, net, dot, com
(C) cute, underline, seven, seven, at, super, net, dot, com
(D) cute, underscore, double seven, at, super, hyphen, net, dot, com
Ans: D.
10. What should you do in the introduction of a presentation?
(A) introduce your subject/ topic
(B) summarize your presentation
(C) thank your audience
(D) invite questions
Ans: A.
11. What should you do in the conclusion of a presentation?
(A) explain the structure of your presentation
(B) summarize your presentation
(C) welcome your audience
(D) present the subject itself
Ans: B.
12. In your presentation, when you want to introduce your subject/ topic, which of the following expressions you can use?
(A) Good morning. I'd like to welcome you all here this morning. I'm ...
(B) I am going to talk today about...
(C) Let's take a closer look at ...
(D) Many thanks for your attention.
Ans: B.
13. In your presentation, when you finish talking about one subject and want to start another one, which of the following expressions you can use?
(A) We'll be examining this point in more detail later on...
(B) Well, I've told you about...Now let me turn to...
(C) Right, let's sum up, shall we?
(D) I'm going to talk today about...
Ans: B.
14. In your presentation, when you want to sum up everything at the end, which of the following expressions you can use?
(A) Any questions from the floor?
(B) I'd like to start by...
(C) So let me summarize what I've said.
(D) Now we'll move on to...
Ans: C.
15. 就專業報告的標題而言,下列何者較合宜?
(A) What the City Government Has Accomplished in 2006.
(B) End-of-the-year Report by the City Government in 2006.
(C) A Good Year in 2006; a Better Year in 2007.
(D) City Government 2006 Final Report.
Ans: B.
16. When someone wrote: “Let it be known that I am not romantically involved with her (or him) in any conceivable way,” the message we receive herein is
(A) It was a disclaimer in some angry and definite tone;
(B) It was a truth that everyone has been aware of.
(C) It was a wish that the romance may be realized any time from now.
(D) It was neither a statement nor a conjecture.
Ans: A.
17. The concept of "culture" can be understood through three different levels. Which of the following is "not" normally included?
(A) spiritual
(B) natural
(C) material
(D) institutional
Ans: B.
18. 城市文化導覽中的「導覽」,通常為下列哪一英文用詞?
(A) interpretation
(B) translation
(C) guide
(D) introduction
Ans: A.
19. What do we normally "not" introduce about a city?
(A) geographical information
(B) night market
(C) one's own life experiences in the city
(D) none of the above
Ans: D.
20. Which of the following is not included in the area of international cultural affairs?
(A) international political economy
(B) trade of cultural good
(C) cultural diplomacy
(D) international cultural organizaton
Ans: A.
Note: No written final exam for 商務溝通與策略管理實作 (Workshop on Business Communication and Strategic Thinking)
*no copyright. Welcome to circulate as long as it is done in its entirety.